
You fell asleep
with your head on the keyboard

your face now tattooed
with the square imprints
of late nights on the web

and your lips stained
with the green adrenaline
of discovering how to invent



Tears on the fingertips of night:
wetness creeping in, seeping in
settling in
unsettling water, dark and glowing
around the edges
unknown, uncharted eyes
gems lost to greedy depths
horizons blurred, blotted out
maps distorted, torn in their directions
not given
coasts left days ago, still
following ghosts


The whisperings of
the grey and the green
taunting me for
the words I don’t see
thorns piercing my tongue
in an attempt to teach
by what is deemed nature
that what is not under my skin

Absence of Words

The absence of words
and that which remains in the space
of what was lost that had been found
dreams building, rebuilding, unbuilding
small sound filling the gaps
between uninhabited constructs
towers, leaning
waves, crashing
letters in sand, gone missing
possible futures, crossed out
and a silence as alien as human nature

Night in the Labyrinth

At night in the labyrinth
orbs of light reflect in glass
golden glimmers dancing through hallways
multiplied, elusive, hopeful
hard to catch, beautiful to follow
just out of reach of curious hands
images, shimmering
whispering tiny breadcrumb promises
sometimes leading in circles
sometimes ending up in secret corners
drifting, be careful to trust the whisps
but the places you pass are wondrous